Illustration Project Brief #1
Description: Design and illustrate a tabloid size, full page newspaper ad
detailing the problem of the feral cats eating the turkeys.
Client(Sender): United
Turkey Farmers, those who live in Moroni.
Message: Alert the
town of the problem of our feral cats eating our turkeys, that is causing a
financial problem. We need to find a solution to the problem.
Audience: Residents
in Moroni, anyone reading the newspaper
Purpose/Objectives: Get the
word out to the town residents of Moroni. Get together to find a solution to
the problem. Hold a town meeting to discuss neutering the cats.
Specifications: Tabloid
size, 11x17 in color.
Schedule and budget: The project launched Thursday August 30, 2018. The
project will be due September 20, 2018. The budget will be $1000. $25/hour.
Estimating 40 hours.
Illustration Idea/Concept/Thematic Statement: This is a call for action. For this tabloid sized newspaper article, I want to show a cat attacking a turkey, by holding the turkey by the neck, or by pouncing on it. The image will include money around it, detailing the problem through an economic viewpoint.